Monday, 5 January 2015

Building a Robotic Arm - Part 2

Building a Robotic Arm - Part 2

After a lot of trial and error I have decided to control the servos using a module that implements the PCA9685 chip. 
The board is in the post and is designed to control up to 12 servos, from an external power source. Communication between the board and the arduino will be done over I2C. I've chosen to use this board because it should lower the workload on the arduino and fix any power issues I've been having. Additionally it should also give me a chance to try using the I2C bus which I know I will be using in future projects. 

The electromagnet circuit is finished and working well. However I would like to increase the voltage across the magnet because its not quite as powerful as I would like it. Its wired up as follows 

The black and red wires are my 9V power source and the two blue wires protruding are the connections for the magnet. 

I have been working on the code for the photo-resistor and its calibration resistor and that is largely what the next post will be about. I'm still getting used to using interrupts in code and I'm learning all the time. 

Sorry this post is so short, I've been very busy in my personal life and haven't had much time for my projects of recent. Thanks and until next time.